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Cultivating mid-level donor prospects often requires a white-glove approach similar to the attention paid to major donor prospects. 

A major roadblock? Personalization efforts for mid-level donors must be hyper-efficient, especially if your team is lean or consists of a single mid-level gift officer. 

This ebook will outline the data and tools available to help you scale a highly personalized approach for your mid-level donors.

It will also provide real-world examples of organizations that have raised thousands of dollars with a minimal investment in technology.

Download The Ultimate Guide to Mid-Level Giving Part 3:The Data & Technology You Need to Power Your Mid-Level Giving Program.

With this guide, you will easily learn:
  • The data you need to develop highly personalized campaigns for your mid-level giving prospects
  • How to track and measure the effectiveness of your mid-level outreach
  • Ways to automate aspects of your mid-level program that save time and maximize your staff's efforts

Complete the form to access The Ultimate Guide to Mid-Level Giving Part 3: The Data & Technology You Need to Power Your Mid-Level Giving Program.

Be on the lookout for the fourth and final installment of the series!

Complete the form to download the ebook